Drip by drip
Here's an idea. Go to work and save money. When your pile of cash is big enough, swap it for a house and a mortgage. This will involve a few sacrifices, but don’t worry, it’ll be worth it. You’ll do less going out, less buying nice things and generally get used to missing out. But it’s for the kids, right? You can do it.
Eventually the day will come when you’re pile of cash rises just as high as your stack of sacrifices and on that day, you will be ready to buy. The pile of cash will be swept away, and a very large debt will be written down against your name. The stack of sacrifices can stay where it is. You’re not done with that yet.
But, hooray! You bought a house.
Now get back to work. You’ve got a mortgage to pay. Work hard. Work real hard. Do a bit more. Work a bit late. Put in the hard yards and get that promotion. You’ll need the extra money for the kids. It’s all for the kids. Not that you ever see the kids. You’re too busy working. But it is all for the kids. Right?
To own your own home. The great Australian dream. A beautiful family home full of joy and laughter. It’s hard work, paying off the mortgage and the bills. But you get there. Bit by bit, drip by drip. You’ll get the house. That beautiful family home. You will.
And then you realise there’s that other bit. You’ve just spent so much energy trying to balance your bank account, now you’re meant to create the joy and the laughter as well? When will it ever end?
I don’t know if it ever ends. It probably doesn’t. I don’t know if there’s a secret or a short cut. If there is, I haven’t found it. It’s a crazy world. It’ll eat you alive if you let it.
So don’t let it.
Of course, work hard, pay the mortgage. But don’t forget to smell the flowers along the way. And don’t forget to pick a flower or two for your kids. Don't forget to teach them to enjoy a flower. And day by day, drip by drip, add a little to that other account too. Not just the one at the bank.
Because it’s a trap. And we all fell for it. We’re all chasing a house, to fill with dreams. But maybe we should be chasing our dreams to fill our houses. Otherwise, what’s the point?