3 simple rules to win at marketing

Russell Brunson calls it the “Simplest But Most Powerful 3 Step Formula For Success”

Russell Bruson’s formula for success couldn’t be simpler.

And if you were looking for a self-made entrepreneur to learn from, you couldn’t find a better path to follow than his.

But would something so simple actually work for your business? 

Let’s break it down and see what it’s all about.

But First, You Might Be Asking Who Is Russell Brunson?

He is the marketing genius that created “one of the fastest-growing, privately-owned SaaS companies in North America with over $100 million in annual sales and over 100,000 paying customers.”*

Oh, and he did it all with just a small team and not a single cent in venture capital. What?!

That company is ClickFunnels and Russell is the self-confessed marketing nerd and co-founder that absolutely blew it up.

ClickFunnels is a leading Sales Funnel software platform that allows anyone to capture an audience and scale their sales, even if they have no technical background. Pretty neat.

The software itself is quite clever and easy to use, but as Russell would tell you himself, it’s not the software that makes the sale, it’s the thinking behind it. 

And that is what we’re going to explore here, so let’s dive in.

How To Find A Hot Market And Make A Lot Of Money

Russell has successfully launched plenty of businesses. And he’s done it in multiple categories, including business, software, coaching, health, relationships, supplements and the list goes on.

He also runs various coaching programs and mastermind groups and has mentored many highly successful entrepreneurs.

He says if a business is not working, they’ve usually broken one of three fundamental rules which make up his simple but powerful three step formula for success which we’ll be exploring here:

  1. Rule 1: Find A Hot Market

  2. Rule 2: Ask Them What They Want

  3. Rule 3: Give Them What They Asked For

Rule 1: Find A Hot Market

Another marketing legend, Gary Halbert, used to ask his students what super power they’d ask for to guarantee their new burger restaurant was successful. 

After brushing off the obvious suggestions — great location, secret sauce, celebrity chef — Gary would reveal the best answer.

The only thing you need to be successful is a starving crowd. 

If They’re Hungry, They’ll Buy 

Russell’s first step is to find that hot market. You’re looking for a market that is irrationally passionate about a topic. If they’re not obsessed, it’s not a hot market.

How do you know if they’re irrationally passionate?

They form groups and forums and get together to geek out on it because they are desperate to know more. They do it in their spare time and their work time. It’s an obsession.

It makes things much easier when you’re tapping into that excitement.

Don’t Try Selling To Broke People

Russell cautions that you must absolutely make sure the market is willing and able to buy.

There are many people who would like to buy but have no money. Just as there are many people who have the money but don’t want to buy. Your market must have both.

Find The Traffic First

The other thing which Russell strongly, strongly suggests, but nobody ever does, is to find the traffic first.

Before you rush to create your product, you’ve got to know exactly how and where you’re going to find your customers.

As Russell says, if you can’t find your customers, how are you going to sell to them?

Once you have found this smoking, a red hot market that is totally obsessed and ready to buy and you know exactly where to find them, you are ready for step two.

Rule 2: Ask Them What They Want

Okay, so you found a hot market, they’re willing and able to buy, now we start pitching hard, right? Wrong.

It’s easy to assume that we know what our market wants, but we don’t.

Russell says the most common mistake is to try to sell the thing that we’re obsessed with.

Maybe your thing is amazing. Maybe you spent ten thousand hours perfecting your dream product. Maybe it really is the best in the world.

But customers don’t buy it because you like it. They only buy what they want.

So Russell’s simple rule for step two is to ask them what they want.

What Are They Struggling With?

As you do this, you should listen out for problems. Try to identify the hacks and workarounds that the customers have come up with themselves because the existing solutions are falling short.

Remember, what they really want is a result. That’s what you’re listening for.

Maybe what they want is for their hands to not be cracked and dry, so they’re constantly buying hand moisturiser. 

So you could try to develop a new moisturiser. But maybe what they really need is a pair of gloves to protect their hands so they’ll never need the moisturiser.

Listen carefully so you can spot the difference between the solution they ask for (moisturiser) and the actual result they desire (nice hands).

When you are crystal clear on the exact result your hot market is screaming out for, then you are ready for the final step.

Rule 3: Give Them What They Asked For

Russell’s third step could not be any simpler. Now that you know what they want, you just give them that.

Not some other thing you like. Not some other cool thing you made. Just give them exactly what they said they wanted.

Only Sell What People Are Already Buying 

Your research at step one would have told you what people are already buying. Don’t waste your time inventing a new category. 

But don’t just copy what’s out there. Make yours even better. Take it from good to great. 

Become Obsessed With Your Market

You’ve found your hot market, now you want to find out everything you can about them.

Who else is already doing what you want to do?

Who are the influencers, the leaders, the gurus?

What business models are they using?

Who is already successfully selling in this market? Buy all of their products and study the details. 

Go behind the scenes to pick apart all of their emails, Facebook groups, ads, landing pages, upsells, downsells. Listen to their sales calls and find out how the competition is already pitching to your market. This will help you understand your customer and your competition intimately.

Again, you’re not doing this so that you can copy them. You’re doing it so that you understand the market. You must be obsessed. You must know everything about your market so that you can give them everything they asked for, everything they’re already buying, only better.

Find Your Place In The Ecosystem

And then you need to find your place in the ecosystem (because every market has an ecosystem).

As we’ve already established, you’re entering a market that already exists, there are already people buying and selling in this market – the worst thing you can do is show up trying to compete directly with the existing big players.

Instead, look for opportunities to compliment them – then you can form partnerships to help them and when they grow, you grow too.

For example, if you’re a mechanic and your town already has plenty of workshops, ask how you can complement the existing ecosystem. Could you be the tyre guy? Or maybe you’d specialise in brakes, radiators or suspension? 

Or even better, find the dirtiest, hardest, worst part of being a mechanic, and specialise in that. Be the one that takes away that pain for every mechanic in town and you’ll be laughing.

Or, you could look for what every customer needs before or after they buy the main thing. 

Okay, they bought a big expensive camera and a fancy lens, well, instead of trying to outdo Nikon and Canon on cameras, you might offer specialised camera bags and tripods, or photography lessons, or books on photography, or you do prints and frames. 

Every purchase presents the buyer with a new problem. Solve that problem and you’ll be helping the existing businesses and their customers. They will both want to come to you because you are helping both of them. 

Whatever you do, at this point, don’t get fancy. You know what they want, so if you can give it to them, you’re going to be successful.

The “Simplest But Most Powerful 3 Step Formula For Success”

The system speaks for itself. It truly is simple and powerful. And it’s hard to argue with Russell Brunson’s track record.

Probably the hardest part of this framework is shutting off our own instincts to get creative and make something new.

But if you can maintain the discipline, and maintain the focus, these three steps might just be the simplest and most powerful three-step formula for your next success.

Here they are again:

  1. Rule 1: Find A Hot Market

  2. Rule 2: Ask Them What They Want

  3. Rule 3: Give Them What They Asked For


Photo by Lay Low on Pexels


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