Websites for people people.

Don’t you think it all gets too technical sometimes?

The web is supposed to be a place where you meet people. But there’s always a wall of technical flimflam in the way. Ugh.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

A website is a bridge between you and your next customer. The best bridge is built on your people skills, not some internet secret.

That’s where I come in.

I mostly help people with skills that are easy to explain in person but hard to write down.

Together, we create a website that makes sense and attracts customers.

If you’re a people person, I can help you do that too.


websites for people people

See more of my work at SPENCEHOUSE, my website design studio…

Essential website tips for people people

Join my newsletter for insights on adding your people skills to your website

Brent… you were a pleasure to work with, and we love our new site! Quite apart from the creative side of the site, you really helped us clarify our offer and positioning and communicate it clearly.

— Richard Clark, MRQual

How do you stand out?

Building a web presence that showcases your unique value and leads customers to your door is a challenge. The web is complicated, and customers can be hard to please. Putting it all together can be stressful and overwhelming.

That’s why I developed the P.A.V.E. Framework. It’s a simple process that helps you own the customer experience and build a path that leads customers to you.

The P.A.V.E. Framework

  • Who’s it for?

    First, we identify your ideal customer and the problem they want to overcome. This usually involves some customer research, interviews or surveys.

  • What do they want?

    Next, we look beyond the immediate needs to uncover your customer’s true pains and aspirations.

  • What do you do for them?

    Once we have a clear idea of the customer and the problems they’re facing, we can position you as the solution.

  • What do we need to make?

    We then use this information we’ve gathered to build a modern website that addresses your ideal customer’s pains and aspirations and offers them a clear, high-value solution that leads to your door.

Book a time for us to chat and see how the P.A.V.E. Framework can clarify your offer and positioning and lead more customers to you.

Hi, I’m Brent Tunney. I’ll help you make a website that attracts people.

You deserve a distinctive web presence that truly represents you and creates a connection with your ideal customers.

For two decades, I’ve helped the big guys (like Telstra, Arnott’s and IKEA) improve their online interactions with customers. Now I’m here for founders and solo operators, like you.

I’m Brent Tunney. Spencehouse is my way of bringing big agency thinking to main street businesses. Because it’s never been easier (or more essential) to put people skills into your online presence.

If you’re ready to add your people knowledge to your website, let me show you how…

Common questions

  • Your website is the centre of your digital marketing world, so it’s a top priority. This is where people come to find out who you are and then decide whether they trust you.

    Website Strategy is the work you do to understand your customer and how you can help them.

    Website Design is how you present that strategy on your website.

  • Many aspects of website design should be considered to ensure you build an effective website.

    Most of it doesn’t matter as much as having a clear and simple message. But in case you like lists of technical things, here’s a list of technical things that are involved in fixing your website:

    User Experience (UX)

    SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) so you get found by search engines like Google and Bing

    Lead Generation and Optimisation

    Content Marketing

    Social Media

    Website Design


    Mobile-friendly and Responsive Design


  • Your Digital Marketing Strategy is the backbone of your business. It starts with understanding your customer and how you can create value for them.

    Then, it’s about how you plan and implement all the bits online to help you find those new customers so you can continue to deliver value and build your business in a controllable way.

    Your brand and logo are part of it, but they’re just the bits people see. The thinking behind that is the Digital Marketing magic.

  • As with Digital Marketing, UX is all about your customer. Understanding who your customers are and what they want so you can provide the best experience to help them get it. A UX Review can spot the gaps in your website that are confusing customers so you can make it easier for them to buy from you. You could call it usability, or you could call it making sense and being helpful.

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